Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Over the weekend, I had my mom over for some afternoon cocktails. We somehow ended up in the bathroom after I had showered, with her sitting on the toilet (seat down, obvi) while I was putting on my makeup and doing my hair. (Side note: I love getting ready to go out with another girl)

If you haven't met my mom, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say she thinks I am the most amazing thing to ever walk the Earth. Predictably, every step in my makeup routine was met with, "Why do you even wear that? You don't need it, you're so beautiful!" (Everyone should have a mom like mine).

I tried to explain to her that my purpose for wearing makeup is to actually just look like I don't need makeup. Get rid of the spots, blemishes, etc. I don't wear so much that someone seeing me without it wouldn't recognize me, at least in my mind, so I did a little experiment yesterday.

I put makeup on only half of my face just to see if there was truly a difference. Also, if what my mom was saying was true, think of all the money and time I would save by not wearing makeup! The results were kind of cool, and I'll show you why. 

Picture #1, without flash or eye makeup. Not that noticeable (makeup'd side is on your right)

Picture #2, with flash and eye makeup. MUCH more noticeable, and also with only having one eye done and a crooked smile, it kind of looks like I'm having a stroke. On one hand, I wish I could put on makeup and still keep my freckles visible on the top of my cheeks, but on the other hand...see you later, forehead wrinkles!
In summary, mother is not always right. I will continue to wear makeup, however I will not panic if I'm not wearing any (unless someone has a bright light shining on my face). Also, it was harder to apply the second side of makeup than it was the first.

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