Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Or, if you prefer the long version, “couch to 5K take 2”. That’s right, my ass is breaking up with its buddy the couch and resuming its upright position above my sneakers. I was recently reinspired to run by a friend who trained for and completed a race, all the while maintaining his drinking, having fun lifestyle. I was reminded that it is indeed possible to train hard and play hard; it’s just a matter of making sure to schedule time for both and to focus on your priorities. Er, MY priorities, that is.
So, in keeping with the knowledge that c25k helped me to stay on a minimum 3 day per week workout schedule, I’m reinstating it! I have made a few adjustments I think will help me out:
  1. I downloaded the program to my phone, so rather than staring at my watch and calculating intervals I now have a nice lady telling me when to walk and when to run.
  2. Rather than complete the program and then trying to increase my speed/endurance, I’ve dramatically increased the pace of my running intervals while they are still relatively short. This also makes me appreciate my walk portions way more.
  3. My third change is that I think I will be doing the majority of my runs at the gym rather than outside, at least until I can find a safe running route around my new place. There is a gym literally outside my front door, so my ability to make excuses not to go has been drastically reduced.
Well, there’s my news. Days 1 and 2 of week 1 are in the books already. Feelin’ it, yo. FEELIN’ IT.


  1. I'm right there with ya! My W1D2 is today though, so you're a step ahead! I've finished it before, so it's my take 2 as well. It's been so long that I felt the need to start ALL over. Exercise is NOT my friend!!

    Good luck to you!
