Two people have found this blog by google image searching "tomato butt chick".
Yes, seriously.
For the record, Google search honed in on She Says Tomato thanks to none other than Ms. Kim Kardashian, whose butt I did write a post about. It's awesomely disturbing (her butt, not the post). Since I know you don't like clicking on links, here's a copy of the post itself:
Butt seriously
I have an hourglass figure when viewed from the front (well, more like
an hour and a half), I have a major paranoia about having pancake-ass
syndrome. You know, when your side profile in the back just goes from
your back down to your legs in one long line? I
do squats and run up hills
think about all sorts of exercises I could do in an effort to maintain a
nice, round, muscular bum all the time, and I love to admire celebrity
bums. Which brings me to Kim Kardashian. What in the
bazooka is that
thing on the back of her body!? There's no way that's real, right? Yet in photo
after photo, that chick's badonkadonk is owning its own area code like a boss. I'm
disturbed intrigued.

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