Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who is the fairest of them all?

 It's fall, y'all. Crispy leaves are underfoot, bright oranges and reds can be seen in every storefront, and that air, man...I'm diggin' that air. 

One of the joys of fall in New England are the many fairs and festivals you can attend. Last month I had the opportunity to go to not only one but TWO county fairs! That's twice the livestock, twice the fried foods, twice the rides and twice the llamas. My utmost favorite thing in the world. LLLLLLLLamas.

In lieu of a wordy post, I think I'll go with a picture post to please your eyeballs. 

Llama llips


Best Ride Ever in the History of Ever...(note: with age comes increased barfy feeling after riding)

Racing Pigs!!!

Literally sat and watched this bovine show for a solid hour. Udderly riveting.

Demolition Derby Yo

Things that Suck

Things that are Awesome

Franklin County Fair

Randomly ran into my friend Christina's parents!!!

Alpaca Toupee Action at the Big E

What is it saying?!

This goat is sad because I had just stopped him from nibbling on my boobs.

Did you know that some pigs have flowery ears?

Clydesdale (weighing in at 2250 lbs)


Llaughing llama

Baby flowery-eared piglets

For whatever reason, that red chicken (rooster? hen?) was LIVID at whoever was inside that house.

Oh llook! A llama llaying down.

Clydesdale parade

This is my new buddy Anna. She has the best smile in the universe.

No, but seriously...those dimples.

One of those creepy organ-playing thingies
All of the above experiences were unashamedly accompanied by fried dough, cheese fries, pork sandwiches, slushies, soft serve and margaritas. I mean...you're walking around for hours. Strength must be replenished. It's a fair fact.

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