Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rise and shine?

If you subscribe to or read Runner’s World, there was recently an article in there about morning workouts. I was just going to skip it, because I have never been a fan of morning workouts for the following reasons (in addition to about a million more):
  • I could just sleep longer. Sleeping is way more comfortable than running.
  • If I’m up, I can just go to work and then get out of work early! (Note: this never really works; I end up working later anyway and then not working out.)
  • It’s dark out at 5:30am. Dark is for sleeping.
  • Getting up early means going to bed early. This does not jive with my current lifestyle.
  • Working out early makes my back hurt. I have no idea why this is.
  • I don’t feel coordinated enough to jump out of bed and run without falling.
Despite my overlying doubt, I skimmed through the article out of boredom. Hmph. Interesting. I learned a couple of good tricks:
  • You should get up even earlier than you plan on working out (solves the back pain and uncoordinated issues)
  • Have a cup of coffee while you wait to wake up (wakes you up and takes away that pukey empty stomach feeling)
So…I tried it. I’ve been getting up at 5:30/6am two or three days a week, having a cup of coffee and hitting the gym by 6:30. I should note that the gym is literally outside my front door; I just have to walk across the parking lot.

(Up to where those cars are and that awning on the right is as far as I need to walk.)

Dare I say it? I think there may have been a major shift in my exercise mentality…I do believe I prefer early morning workouts! Once I can do the hardest part (getting out of bed and into sneakers), the rest is pie. I
feel more energized and less stressed throughout the day.


Would you look at that?


  1. Where do you find these pictures?! the one of the Obamas is so awesome.

  2. Glad you liked it! Sometimes I Google image search, but other times if I see a funny picture like that somewhere I put it in a folder to save for a blog someday. That one cracks me up.
