Monday, April 9, 2012


I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but I've been doing something new lately that I feel the need to confess. It's something I hesitated to try, because it's not really mainstream (at least for my age bracket) and, frankly, it looks ridiculous. It started as a joke because I was waiting to see the podiatrist and couldn't run for a bit due to my feet falling asleep. My running buddy Tobey (who is a classic overachiever) said 'sure, let's just walk 4 miles in an hour instead'. Normally, a 4.0 mph walk is rather frantic-feeling for me, so I researched the actual art form that is the power walk and decided to rock it. Sure enough, a joke turned into to a serious realization:

I'm not even kidding around here. We're talking heel to toe, straight-legged, heart-pumping POWER. You see the guy on the far left below? He knows what's up. His shoulder is going to one place and his hips are flying out in the complete opposite direction. It's animalistic, sexy as hell, and almost impossible to do without getting turned on/turning on everyone around you.

I will say though...I did it this weekend by myself (mildly awkward) and an elderly woman who was getting her mail took a quick look at me, looked away and then quickly did a double-take. She then straight up laughed, but I'm pretty sure she was jealous/admiring me/amazed. I would have asked her, but I was moving too fast.


  1. So I'm curious here, how is the actual workout? Are you sweating / burning as many calories as you would running??

  2. Shana...I haven't forgotten your question! I am researching (i.e. tracking and comparing my own calories burned/HR/etc for both) and will write an answer post soon!
