Sunday, November 13, 2011

When that word is written alone, I feel like it should be pronounced ‘sweet.’ Kind of like beat or meat. Why isn’t it swet? …”I’m swetty”…


I am attempting to trick my lungs (which have to run a 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving) into thinking we have all been training for far longer than we actually have.

As in I pretty much bailed on running all summer.

As in, I’m back at it…bigtime. Back to the pace of a moving ham sandwich, but back at it.

As in, if I do 2.8 mile runs that include gigantic hills that make me DIE, my lungs will think a 3.1 mile run on fairly even terrain will be easy as pie. Even if it’s really, really cold out.

Also, I had funny sweat marks on my arm when I came home and removed all of my strap-onnables.

As you can see, I put my ipod on my forearm in case I need to look at it. If I try to look at my upper arm when I’m running, I run in a circle and fall.

As you were.

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