Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reasons why I ruled last night

I had FLARP (fantastic ladies’ awesome running practice) planned with my friend Tobey. Both she and I are competitive and would therefore never cancel FLARP for weather purposes, so I knew there would be no excuses.

Seeing as it was hovering around 23F and windy enough to blow your socks off, we discussed the possibility of only doing 2 miles, but secretly we both knew we’d do 3. And you know what? At the end of 3, when we had just run the final bit uphill with wind in our faces and I had a legit line of snot running from my nose to my ear (which was frozen), we got to our cars and at the same time both sighed, “awesome.” Because it really was.

My feet kept falling asleep while we were running (why does that happen? I don’t like it) and I had to stop a couple of times to wake them up. I’ve tried different shoes, tying them looser/tighter, different socks…what else? It happens after about 2 miles. At the end I ran the final 1/4 mile with both feet completely dead. It was scary (I kept thinking I was going to take the biggest digger because I couldn’t see or feel the little bumps on the sidewalk) but BOOM. Did it.

We did concede to skip the 5 minute cool-down walk in light of the weather, which made my feet wake up while I was driving. That was not awesome.

When I got home, somehow I didn’t feel tortured enough, so I found a 35 minute ballet barre workout to do. HARD, especially on just runned-on (ran-on?) legs, but awesome.

Hot shower, hot meal of mushrooms, onions and a black bean veggie burger and warm bed.

The end.

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