Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 1 of Paleo Summary

I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired and dehydrated, but that may have been because I worked late and had a salty dinner. (You can make me give up booze, sugar, dairy, carbs and grains…but stay away from my salt, holmes).

I didn’t feel deprived or hungry yesterday, and I loved all of the foods I ate. I was also made aware several times during the day of how often I snatch a candy from a coworker’s desk while we talk, or absentmindedly munch on the Peanut M&M’s that are readily available in a big old bowl all the time in the office. When my hands felt grabby, I prepared some cucumber green tea or had some tomatoes.

I’m pretty sure the key to my success with Paleo is going to be focusing on the things I can eat, rather than the things I can not. I love the foods available to me and it’s always fun and exciting to explore new recipe options, so why focus on the negative? It goes against my whole way of thinking in the rest of my life, so it shouldn’t be so hard to transfer that thought process to my eating (she said hopefully).

What I ate:

Breakfast: Mixed berries, nuts and coconut milk

Lunch: Beef Bourguignon leftovers

 Afternoon snack: Radishes, broccoli and carrots with salt and pepper

Evening snack: Greek olives and orange cherry tomatoes

Dinner: Finger food! Peel-and-eat shrimp boil leftovers and kale chips

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